One Piece: Adventure Island

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Expected Release Date 01/05/2024
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Relive in this cooperative mode all the adventures of the Straw Hat crew but beware of pirates and Marines who will try everything to plunder your ship and capture you. Bring down Crocodile in Alabasta, destroy CP9, face Big Mom or Kaido’s crew… THE BATTLE MODE BETWEEN CREWS Each player plays as one of 12 pirate crews and sets out to conquer the many islands of the One P…
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Relive in this cooperative mode all the adventures of the Straw Hat crew but beware of pirates and Marines who will try everything to plunder your ship and capture you. Bring down Crocodile in Alabasta, destroy CP9, face Big Mom or Kaido's crew...


Each player plays as one of 12 pirate crews and sets out to conquer the many islands of the One Piece world. Will you be the fastest to control territories, find as many treasures as possible on the islands, carry out your missions and beat your many enemies? Beware of other crews, Marines, 7 Corsairs, Supernovae and 4 Emperors who could put an end to your dreams of piracy at any time.

Who will be the Pirate Lord?